Backyard Orchard Resources
Assembled from our experience with growing fruit, nuts and berries in over 550 orchards, this collection of resources will help you successfully navigate holistic orcharding. If you would like more of this information directly in your inbox, consider subscribing to The Serving, our quarterly newsletter. Please visit our donation page to learn more about how you can help The Giving Grove continue to provide these free resources to urban orchardists.
There is more to planting a tree than digging a hole and sticking a seedling into the ground.
Careful pruning and watering during a tree’s first years create a tree that is stronger and more productive.
Use this photo guide to identify the insect, its damage, and how to deal with it holistically.
Orchard Education Video Library
Educational Resources
Thanks to the EPA and Kansas City Affiliate, Kansas City Community Gardens, we are able to provide you with an amazing educational curriculum that focuses on nutritional, environmental, and biological aspects of trees.
Online Workshop Series
Join our online workshop series to explore the art and science of urban orcharding, sustainable gardening, and community building. Learn from experts and connect with others passionate about creating thriving green spaces in their communities.